A picture of a Viking longship against a stormy sky, with the words Invading, Raiding, Trading

Viking School Workshops

Immersive Viking Visits!

Vikings! These famous and infamous raiders, traders, and of course invaders from the North had a significant impact on Britain, and now they can impact your classroom! The Vikings and Anglo Saxons struggled for control of Britain, inadvertently causing the creation of a new country called England. Invite a Viking to your school and let children experience life at the time of the Viking invasion, exploring artifacts, crafts, games and activities that will leave them full of knowledge and excited for more.

A button with a viking longship saying Vikings Dress up Sheet
A Picture of a child painting a cardboard Viking shield at a Marvellous History workshop

What we do:

  • Bring a wide range of accurate replica artefacts
  • Dress up as a historically accurate character for the day
  • Provide a bespoke timetable that fits with your particular learning objectives
  • Supply the equipment and specialist materials for our activities
A picture of a replica of a Viking cup found at Lejre
A very enthusiastic young boy in a Viking Shield Wall during a Marvellous History workshop

What we need:

Make an impact with our Viking WOW days.
Book a visit from a Viking character today!

A group of Primary school children lifting Viking chainmail
A visitor dressed as a Viking giving a treat to a Norwegian Lundehund, during a Viking zoom workshop
Primary children in a shield all during a viking workshop
Primary school children shouting in a shield wall very eagerly
A shield being painted as a activity during a viking workshop
A viking display with various foods such as apples
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If you want to learn more about the Viking period, or for some useful teaching resources, check out our blog!


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