A picture of some pyramids in the desert with the title "Ancient Egyptian School Workshops" and the words Pyramids, Gods & Pharoahs

Ancient Egyptian School Workshops

Explore Ancient Egypt!

Meet an Ancient Egyptian on an Ancient Egyptian WOW day with Marvellous History! Hands-on activities to excite children and enrich their learning about this ancient civilisation. Children can handle replica artifacts, learn all about many Egyptian Pharaohs and Gods, explore the kinds of things Ancient Egyptians might have been buried with and perhaps even make your own grave goods or Canopic jars. Activities, crafts, games and role-play will teach children about Egyptian daily life and death, architecture and culture, and the importance of the life-giving Nile.

Map showing where we run Ancient Egyptian workshops for primary schools in the UK - workshop areas - Marvellous History Ltd
A picture of a painted Egyptian sarcophagus

What we do:

  • Bring a wide range of accurate replica artefacts
  • Dress up as a historically accurate character for the day
  • Provide a bespoke timetable that fits with your particular learning objectives
  • Supply the equipment and specialist materials for our activities
A picture of an Egyptian Canopic Jar
A picture of a decorated papyrus with Egyptian animal headed figures and hieroglyphs

Make an impact with our Ancient Egypt WOW days.
Book a visit from an Ancient Egyptian character today!

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If you want to learn more about Ancient Egypt, or for some useful teaching resources, check out our blog!

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