Ancient Greece School Workshops
Get inspired by Ancient Greece!
Bring one of our costumed experts on Ancient Greece into your school and let your children become a Greek citizen for the day. Join the Hoplite army! Handle artefacts, compete in your own Olympic Games and try your hand at Democracy and find out if “one man, one vote” really works (unless you’re a slave, or a woman!). We use artifacts, drama, role play, hands-on activities and fun games to help the children understand Ancient Greek life and achievements, and the legacy and influence of Ancient Greek culture on the western world.
The map on the right shows the area where we can offer Ancient Greek workshops at our standard rate. We can offer workshops outside this area at an additional cost.
Workshops can be run on specific topics or combined to cover the whole period. Topics covered could include:
- Greek warriors and the Hoplite army.
- The Gods and the sayings of the Sooths (fortune tellers)
- Democracy
- Galen, Hippocrates, and the “invention” of medicine
- Olympic Games!
- Science, maths, and inventions in Ancient Greece.
- Greek daily life
- The legacy and influence of Greek achievements on the modern world
- Myths, legends and tales of warriors and heroes
Make it a dressing up day! Download our dressing up sheet here:

What we do:
- Bring a wide range of accurate replica artefacts
- Dress up as a historically accurate character for the day
- Provide a bespoke timetable that fits with your particular learning objectives
- Supply equipment and specialist materials for our activities

Example day:
- Welcome to Athens
- The Parthenon and worshipping the Gods
- Myth telling
- Greek theatre and masks
- Write like a Greek
- Military training

What we need:
- A hall
- At least two staff members and a minimum of one for every 30 children
- A couple of tables to display
- A place to get changed
- Suitable parking close to the hall