world war 1 school workshops
Enthralling WW1 Workshops
Discover life at the time of WW1 with an interactive character workshop from Marvellous History. Hands-on activities, drama, role play, crafts and replica artifacts combine to give your children a day they won’t forget. Discover the events that led to WW1 and the aftermath of the conflict. Explore the life and times of a soldier in the trenches, warfare, and the social changes at home that led to the suffragette movement, the end of the British Empire and WW2. We handle difficult topics sensitively and bring plenty of interactive activities to teach children about life both on the front lines and back home during the First World War.
The map on the right shows the area where we can offer WW1 workshops at our standard rate. We can offer workshops outside this area at an additional cost.
Workshops can be run on specific topics or combined to cover the whole period. Topics covered could include:
- Tommy – the life of a British soldier
- Trench foot, gas attacks and influenza: medicine in WWI
- Artefact handling and activities
- Who was Franz Ferdinand? (Clue – not a band)
- Food and rations in the trenches
- War horses, war dogs and war pigeons: The animals of World War One
- Life at home: what was it like for those who didn’t go to war?
- Warfare and related artefacts
- Causes of WW1, or, how did we end up at war with Queen Victoria’s nephew?
- Armistice, the Treaty of Versaille and the League of Nations
- All change! The face of the world after WW1
- The war to end all wars…? How the First World War caused the Second World War.
Make it a dressing up day! Download our dressing up sheet here:

What we do:
- Bring a wide range of accurate replica artifacts
- Dress up as a historically accurate character for the day
- Provide a bespoke timetable that fits with your particular learning objectives
- Supply equipment and specialist materials for our activities

Example day:
- The war in documents – Poetry, Postcards & Letters
- Food & Equipment of the soldier
- Try your hand at semaphore!
- Medical equipment and advances in technology
- Artefact handling
- Military drill and Army training

What we need:
- A Hall
- At least two staff members and a minimum of one for every 30 children
- A couple of tables to display
- A place to get changed
- Suitable parking close to the hall