Do you think you could provide historical workshops?

We are always looking for energetic, enthusiastic people to join our nationwide team of facilitators, bringing historical workshops into schools. We run hundreds of workshops each year and are growing steadily, resulting in the need to expand our team.
As work is contracted on a job-by-job basis, this position can fit in around other part-time work.
There is also the opportunity to run online virtual workshops via Zoom, if you have a suitable space and a reliable internet connection.
We run entertaining and educational full and half day workshops in schools nationwide.
You will be fully and directly responsible for providing the face-to-face workshop on the day, using a range of pre-designed activities but with the freedom to develop your own. You’ll be in costume, as a character from your specified period, and after training will be able to take sole lead (along with class teachers) for groups of up to 90 children.
You do not need a history qualification, but you will be the kind of person who likes to pick holes in historical drama on TV, has an unhealthy obsession with one or more periods of history, and has a passion for sharing your passion with others. You’ll also be flexible, adaptable, and be comfortable presenting to both children and adults alike.
Ideally you will have experience as part of a historical theatre or re-enactment group, and be used to working in character, but this is not essential as training will be given.
Work is contracted on a job-by-job basis, so you’ll be self-employed or willing to become so.
You will have your own historical clothing and kit, although we can assist in sourcing these if required.
If you are interested in applying, or would just like further information, please fill in the below form: